As the arctic’s rapidly changing climate continues to worry scientists and spark more concern about global warming, sustainability has become more important than ever, especially for businesses in 2020. Now that people are slowly becoming more knowledgeable about the ways we negatively impact our environment, more and more companies are looking for ways to be more eco-conscious.
If you’re a business owner looking for ways to increase sustainability and encourage a green mindset in your employees, then start here. We’ve compiled some of the easiest ways your business can be more eco-conscious:
1. Promoting Green Activities to Employees and Customers
As consumer expectations on corporate responsibility increase, more companies are starting to recognize the value of sustainability. If you own a business that has several to a hundred employees and customers, educating them about the value of conservation and green living is a great way to start. You don’t have to force strict rules, but you can start by simple eco-conscious behaviors such as:
- Asking customers to use reusable bags whenever they shop (If you own a grocery or store)
- Giving out electronic copies of catalogs, statements, or brochures instead of paper to your customers.
- Allowing employees to telecommute and hold meetings online in order to save money on gas and transportation.
- You could also start a recycling program within your company. You could provide a seminar about responsible waste disposal and encourage employees to do it in the workplace.
2. Supporting Green Businesses
Another amazing way to promote sustainability at work is to opt to work with green-friendly local brands. Research online some of the best green local brands in your area that you could see yourself partnering with. Whether it’s a local organic coffee supplier or a local farmer who can deliver fresh and organic fruits and vegetables to your pantry. Make sure that you’re partnering with a brand you’d want your company to be associated with.
3. Going Paperless
We’re now living in a high-tech world and if your company is still using paper, it might be time for an overdue digital transformation. Instead of sending letters to your boss or colleagues, it’s best to go for an electronic mail. Instead of sharing pamphlets and written proposals, do presentations and send newsletters!
If you want to keep track of your tasks, consider using digital task lists instead of paper to-do lists. Today, there are many free apps that can help you manage and organize all your tasks online. You can also share these tasks with your boss, colleagues, or any person you’d like to be accountable to. Plus, using the cloud to store your files will save paper and storage. It will also be much secure and easier to compile if everything is done digitally.
4. Buying Smart
If you want to save money and reduce gadget waste in your office, try to use better quality equipment, electronics, and products. It makes more sense to spend a little bit more on a high-quality product than to buy two cheap products that’ll get broken after a few months of use. This applies to almost any appliances and equipment you use in the office. From ergonomic chairs, air conditioners, to your employee’s desks.
5. Allowing Your Employees to Telecommute
Did you know that more than two-thirds of employees in the global workforce desire to work remotely? This has been driven by amazing technological advancements and globalization. As an employer allowing your employees to telecommute will benefit you the following reasons: 1) increased productivity when your employees are working from home 2) decrease in office energy cost and 3) save on time and money from telecommuting.
6. Power Your Office With Alternative Energy
Decrease energy costs in your office by installing alternative energy solutions. For example, you can opt to install solar panels instead of traditional wired electricity. If you have space and the budget, you can also try other options such as geothermal, water, or wind energy. Find out the most efficient and cheapest source of energy that’s right for your business.
Another way is to look for ways to monitor the energy you use. You can do this by hiring a professional energy audit manager who can observe the building and your employees and offer you advice on how to plan and manage your energy costs. If this isn’t possible, you can always resort to using smart meters to help you understand your energy costs.
Encouraging sustainability practices and eco-conscious efforts is a great mindset for any business. Aside from it helps the world and conserves our natural resources, it can help your employees feel better and become more satisfied with their association with your company.