Green Energy Solutions

Green Energy Solutions

As far as green solutions go, especially in the context of energy production and consumption, the two that get the most attention is solar...
Wind Power

Wind Power: 7 Little-known Facts

The wind is an abundant, green, and clean energy resource. Since centuries ago, people have known how to take advantage of wind power for...
Inexpensive Solar Panels Installation Method

How to Find Inexpensive Solar Panels Installation Method

It was not that long ago when solar panels were considered to be an expensive alternative. Over the years, this has changed. Nowadays, solar panels have...
What Do You DO With You Used Inkjet Cartridges?

What Do You DO With You Used Inkjet Cartridges?

According to the EPA, in 2010 alone, there more than 2 million tons of electronic devices that reached their end of life and were simply trashed....
What is Green Technology

What is Green Technology? A Beginner’s Guide to Sustainability

People have always imagined living in a world where the sun powers our homes, electricity powers our cars, and pesticides are not used to...
Plastic Pollution

The Problem with Plastic Pollution

As our population grows, so does the amount of waste we produce. And plastic is the #1 waste humans leave on earth. It’s no...
Solar Panels

Do Solar Panels Work on a Shaded Roof?

Many homeowners want to install a solar electric system but don’t know if their roof gets enough sunshine. The return on investment from the...
sustainable design and construction

Green Technology Is on the Rise in Today’s Construction Industry

By using environmentally sound materials, the advances in sustainable design and construction are making a difference that is noticed and becoming trendy in the...
What's Behind Green Technology Investing?

What’s Behind Green Technology Investing?

Green technology is a hot topic nowadays. Green technology investing is geared toward resolving climate change, reducing the pressure on the environment. The idea...
Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products: Are They Really Greener?

There are a lot of cleaning products in the market that claims to be biodegradable, green, or non-toxic. The question is, are they eco-friendly?...