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Green Technology Is Sustainable Technology, But What Is That Exactly?

Green Technology Is Sustainable Technology, But What Is That Exactly?

Green technology and sustainable technology are, environmentally friendly actions and materials and the impact, long term and short term, each has on the environment. It is the effort we put forth to be energy efficient, and use renewable resources, our recycling of what we can, and simply using products and technology that are green.

Are We Facing Extinction?

The Industrial Revolution was kicked off with the steam engine invention. This also kicked off a change in the climate and the Earth’s suffering of depleted groundwater reserves, acidification of seawater that has rising levels. Diseases and micro parasites are rapidly spreading and species of all types are becoming extinct.

It is the hope of many that by implementing a variety of green technologies, we can counteract those effects, take care of the natural resources and replaced the depleted while saving the rest.

Three Principles of Sustainability

There are three principles that define sustainability:

Nonrenewable Energy vs Renewable Energy

The nonrenewable energy resources that fail in sustainability include coal, hydrogen, natural gas, nuclear, and oil. Their biggest part of failure is they absorb and regenerate the costs that are related to their extraction and/or production. 

Solar cell is one of the best examples we have for green technology. It converts energy directly from natural light into electricity by way of photovoltaic. This uses less fossil fuels and reduces greenhouse gas emissions and pollution.

Currently the expense of solar panels, and the fact they are unattractive, is holding back more homeowners having them installed. There are inventions in the works to offset these downsides. Like sharing solar panels and spray-on photovoltaic film that will convert regular window glass to solar.

Biomass, geothermal, hydro, and wind are other renewable sources of energy. Disappointingly, these assets are not currently at adequate levels to replace our nonrenewable sources.

Not everyone in the energy industry are onboard with going green, but there are some that see the opportunities with green sustainability, and there are those that welcome the challenge. Which brings us to positive thinking for positive results.

The Power of Positive Thinking Green

If you’re not sure why going green and practicing sustainability are in the best interest of everyone, think about these facts:

Give It Some Thought

Before you completely disregard green technology or sustainability, do some research, practice a few easy things, and give it a chance. Every water bottle we can keep out of the landfill is a step in the right direction.

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