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Be A Clothes Minimalist In 5 East Steps

Be A Clothes Minimalist In 5 East Steps

Are you getting on board with going green and being more sustainable with your possession here on Earth? One place to work on that you probably haven’t thought about is your closet!  Think about it for a minute. Clothes are a huge part of your life and many of us have way more than we need.

Here 5 steps you can to simplify your wardrobe which will simplify your life and create a higher quality living. You too can become a nomad eco-fashionista and curate a wardrobe of clothes that is sustainable:

A Personal Color Palette

Look at your wardrobe, you will find one or two colors that are dominate. Maybe you go with bright colors over neutrals, or you are you an Earthy tone person and not florals? Whatever your preferred taste is will be apparent and this is considered your personal color palette. That palette of a single color is your signature. So go with it as you buy new clothes.

Basics Include Solid Chunks

When it comes to clothes, basics are a necessity for everyone and every occasion! There should be a pair of dress up heels and a pair of dress down sneakers in your wardrobe. And they should match with other basics in your wardrobe as well as with eye-catching pieces that you can accessorize.
Take a white tank and match it with different bottoms like your denim shorts, green jeans, or a floral skirt. Add a pair of simple studs or dangly chrome loops with a beaded necklace. Of all the clothes you have in your wardrobe, a basic white tank is the most important piece. It is versatile and will never gout of style. The most minimalist wardrobe should include this item for the sustainability it offers.

Wardrobe Downsize

Now that you are aware of your personal color palette and have your selection of solid chunk basics along with a few miscellaneous favs, take the rest of the stuff out of your closet and dresser. This is step one in becoming a clothes minimalist. Cut back and simplify. Determine what items you absolutely need and then take the rest to charity or sell it. This is clothes recycling!

Less Is Better

Don’t let your impulse mode get the best of you! Think twice before you buy another new top or pair of jeans. Do you need it, really? Walk away, even overnight and let it settle in or you’ll forget about it. Is it in your personal color palette or will it mix and match with other clothes you have? Or something you’ll wear again or is it a one and done piece? A durable and high quality made materials that will last over one or two washes? They may cost more, but the better made the better use you’ll get from high quality clothes.

Natural and Sustainable Clothes

To become a sustainable fashionista minimalist, you need to learn as much as you can about the different fabrics. Which ones are eco-friendly and made of all natural materials. Pass up on clothes that are made from non-biodegradable or virgin synthetic fabrics like polyester and virgin nylon. Go with clothes made from recycled polyester and avoid problematic natural fabrics like conventional cotton and organic cotton, recycled cotton. Linen is always a winner and hemp is making a scene on the runways today.

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